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fake rope, coiled on a platform, partially covering an image of a woman
wood. digital print. cardboard.
fake rope, coiled on a platform, partially covering an image of a woman
wood. digital print. cardboard.
fake rope, coiled on a platform, partially covering an image of a woman
wood. digital print. cardboard.
fake rope, coiled on a platform, partially covering an image of a woman
wood. digital print. cardboard.
fake rope, coiled on a platform, partially covering an image of a woman
wood. digital print. cardboard.








Something low, something flat, something modeled, and something tricky.


The references in this work are intentionally literal. I was drawn to the image of rope because of its ability to tie things together, both physically and metaphorically.

The photographs I took of male and female models were carefully selected to captivate the viewer, inviting them to indulge in the pleasure of observation.

By introducing a sense of whimsy, allowing the rope to rise off its platform, I aimed to further entice the viewer. However, as I delved deeper into the creative process, I found myself losing sight of my initial motivation.

Despite this, I continued to experiment with various rope forms, eventually moving on to other projects.

Although the work remains unfinished, the individual components still fascinate me. It's possible that these elements will resurface in future projects, taking on new meanings and forms.

fake rope, coiled on a platform, partially covering an image of a woman
wood. digital print. cardboard.