Kyle Hossli

Webpage Template - README

This the github repository for a static portfolio website that displays artwork other projects. The code for the website appears in the repo as a fully compiled set of assets and as component elements that may be used compartementally elswhere.

The target audience for this template is other beginers.

Tools and Technologies


Click the “Use this template” button to get started. An example of this project can be found at:




MIT License License


Hi, I am a sculptor and adjunct professor that uses this repository as the codebase for my personal website, ( It also serves as a place for me to test out different techniques related to web development. Clone the site to start building with it as a template. Once you have your copy you can toss anything you don’t need, add your own content, and change the style of the site as you please.

I hold a copyright for the artworks and the images of those artworks, but aside from using them as representations of your own artwork you can do whatever you want with them. To remove the images identify the name of the html page you would like to scrub, then find the folder in the “media_assets” directory with the same name as the html file and delete the image files inside it. To remove all the photos from the website at once delete the contents of every folder in the “media_assets” directory.